Sunday, 21 June 2015

Zai jian China

I've been somewhat lax as it has been somewhat busy with all of the preparations for our departure. As it has been so busy I am not fully mentally and emotionally prepared. I feel like I'll be back here in a few weeks working with the same colleagues, hanging out with fabulous friends and teaching some familiar faces. 

The last 2 years have gone by in a whirlwind. I have learnt so much professionally as well as personally. I've also had some fun and made some amazing friends. Some of the best times have actually involved teaching friends the Ukulele, with a few drinks to help. Another highlight is somehow managing to persuade a group of teachers to get on stage and sing an arrangement of "Goodnight Sweethear" with the words "Goodbye Students" on the last day in 3 part harmony.

It has been a crazy last week in Suzhou. One of the more memorable moments involved my husband going to Shanghai for the final pet check, but getting the wrong car. Apparently the guards from the compound pointed to a car and he got in it. The only problem was that it wasn't the car we booked. This is one of the dangers of living somewhere that you don't speak enough of the language to communicate in this situation. Thankfully the person at work who had booked the actual car was able to speak to the driver and persuade them to take my husband and our Labradoodle to the vet and back in Shanghai for less than our original booking. However, there was a major traffic jam and it took them 4 hours to get there. I believed that we were buying a car in Phuket as it was a necessity, but I think it may now be to stop my husband getting into strange cars!

On a positive note Bella, our gorgeous Doodle, got her export license and is officially booked on the flight ot Phuket on Wednesday. Phuket Quarantine sent us an email that makes no sense. Fingers crossed! An English Teacher from my new school emailed me to explained that he arrived late at night with his dogs when quarantine was closed and they appeared on the baggage carousel amongst the suitcases. I can't wait for Bella to appear with our luggage! It'll be her birthday when we arrive and so her birthday present is a trip to the beach.

I've been to 3 leaving dinners/parties in a week, received several highly unexpected presents, letters and cards with amazingly kind words. People have made such a huge difference to me in so many ways and still I don't feel like I'm leaving.

A thoughtful colleague decided that the leaving teachers needed a sort of leaving item to be signed by their colleagues. So, she asked a highly talented and fabulous Kiwi Tech Teacher to laser cut some Shanghai skylines. They are so beautiful and thoughtful. I felt like one of the kids making my way around the foyer trying to get some of my favourite colleagues to sign it! Having the words to look back on alongside the memories really helps with the move.

China has been one crazy ride. I can now shop and haggle reasonably well in Chinese. I can try desperately to get them to believe that I don't eat meat, they are not convinced by this at all though. I've done my first half marathon on the Great Wall of China with my husband and traveled more than we have for quite some time. Although we don't want to prolong our stay her in China it was the right move for us and a whole new adventure is about to begin.

"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow."
Anita Desai

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